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Libro 'Muro Dolomitico' / English language

Immagine del redattore: Maurilio BarozziMaurilio Barozzi

Aggiornamento: 15 apr 2019

The characteristic spaces of the Distilleria Marzadro in Nogaredo, not far away from Rovereto, this morning hosted the presentation of “Muro Dolomitico”, the book recently written by Maurilio Barozzi and edited by Curcu Genovese. The last ten years of the (glorious) history of Trentino Volley are proposed again through thirty seven portraits of the main characters of Itas Trentino, outside and inside the court, in the 160 pages written by the baseline journalist for volleyball of the newspaper “l’Adige”. Next to the profiles of the most important players and coaches, there are also the most interesting stories of less striking characters that have equally contributed to make the history of Trentino Volley. Among the many profiles there is the President Diego Mosna, the coach Angelo Lorenzetti and the opposite striker Gabriele Nelli, all of them present today at the Distilleria Marzadro. “I hope that this book will be particularly sold and read by all the fans of our Club – explained the President from Trentino - . Our history is an important one, I would define it transverse because it didn’t have to do only with the sport fields but also with the territory and the social, offering me not only a lot of happiness but also some suffering. All emotions that we gladly cherish”. “Muro Dolomitico tells the stories of people that shared the luck of being able to be part of Trentino Volley – has instead explained the coach of Itas Trentino - . I didn’t travel a lot during my career but this is the best place where to live, not only where to work, because the right values to fully live victories and losses are carried on”. “I’ve thought about something that could tell the deeds of these last ten years of achievements for a long time – said Maurilio Barozziand that would mostly highlight the personalities, the humanity of the main characters. The idea sparked right after the victory of the World Club Cup 2018 because it seemed to me that that achievement could be the way to seal ten extraordinary years. But the recent achievement of 2019 CEV Cup in Istanbul has clarified how this cycle didn’t come to an end yet: obviously we are very happy”.

“Muro Dolomitico” – the book about volleyball by Maurilio Barozzi (Ed. Curcu Genovese, 160 pages, 16 euros) From April in the best book stores and online on

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Maurilio Barozzi


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